Halloween Update New Horror – Preorders
October, like most months, has been a busy one at Crossroad Press. We have a lot of new titles available in eBook, Audiobook and Print – as well as a…
Digital, Audio and Print
October, like most months, has been a busy one at Crossroad Press. We have a lot of new titles available in eBook, Audiobook and Print – as well as a…
2012, much like the first few years, was one of astronomical growth. We reached out to more and more authors, and those authors brought others. searches by myself or David…
2011 brought the beginnings of big changes. There were successes of many sorts. We got eBook and audio rights to Jack Ketchum and Lucky McGee’s The Woman. We contracted to…
Recently we became able to bring up a graphic of all of the books we’ve sold through Amazon.com since we started this crazy ride. We officially created our KDP account…
EARLYBIRD PRICE: To correspond with another upcoming promotion, we have dropped the pre-order price fo both The Devil’s in the Flaws & Other Dark Truths & The Stone Serpent to…
We lost our suscriber list in the dual site rebuild. Please subscribe to our newsletter using the form to the right. We’ve been very busy this year, and apologize for…
Finally found part of a day to work on rebuilding our web presence. There is now a page where you can see titles we currently have review arcs for. Not…