If you are an independent bookseller, or a librarian, and you would like to direct order Crossroad Press Print editions, the process is very simple. We are compiling a complete catalog, broken up by genre. The first released will be Horror titles.
The world of publishing is designed so that it is very difficult for publishers who do not have big funding, or a New York City style advertising and distribution system, to exist. For us to offer our titles through Ingram or Baker & Taylor, we would have to price them ridiculously high, just to break even. I get that bookstores and libraries use Ingram because it’s convenient, and because for too long it’s been “The Way”. I also get (in theory) the idea of not buying books printed through Amazon because of their monopoly on sales, but it’s an idea that, in the end, hurts authors and publishers, and your own customers, who are denied titles they might otherwise have available.
Our wholesale terms.
Orders of five or more copies of a book qualify for wholesale order. This total can be broken up across several titles if the order comes from a bookseller. This is not a retail ordering system. The discount is 45% off the books’s cover price, plus exact shipping. (We often take 45% off of the shipping as well on larger orders)
We have no warehousing capability, nor do we sell direct from our website. Because of this, we are unable to accept returns, so please order what you believe you can sell, and we will fill re-orders promptly.
We ship directly from the printer, and you should allow 10-14 days for delivery as the books are print-on-demand.
Order directly from Crossroad Press via e-mail to: orders@crossroadpress.com
Include the titles you would like to order, and the quantities of each. Once the order has been placed, we will invoice you either via Square, Paypal, or (if you prefer) an invoice through e-mail, or the USPS. If you pay by check we reserve the right to wait for that check to clear before shipping.
Our address is: Crossroad Press c/o David Wilson | 141 Brayden Dr. | Hertford, NC 27944
Questions, comments, and requests for copies of the catalog can be sent to: crossroad@crossroapress.com